EmSculpt® is the first body contouring treatment FDA cleared to build muscle, delivering the most comprehensive, non-invasive body shaping option to date. With muscle contributing 35% to 46% of your body composition, EmSculpt is the perfect solution for healthy men and women who want to transform their physique, not just decrease their waistline. This FDA cleared treatment utilizes advanced HI-FEM technology to stimulate muscle contractions while simultaneously increasing metabolism and disrupting fat cells.¹,⁴ These powerful contractions, known as supramaximal contractions build and strengthen muscles at a level that is impossible to replicate by your own efforts at the gym.² A single, 30-minute treatment offers the equivalent of 20,000 squats or 20,000 crunches. Furthermore, treatments are painless, require no downtime and results look natural and last.³
Claim a slim, sculpted physique you can feel confident about with EmSculpt body contouring. Learn more about this revolutionary treatment and discover if non-invasive body contouring is right for you by scheduling a complimentary consultation with Slate, the premier Emsculpt Paramus, NJ provider. Contact Slate online or by calling 877-588-4646 today.
- #1 body contouring provider in New Jersey
- Over 2000 body contouring treatments performed and counting
- Build & tone muscle
- FDA cleared and scientifically proven¹
- Define abdominals⁴
- Lift, tone and volumize the buttocks – SAFE non-surgical alternative to Brazilian butt lift
- Tone arms and legs
- Quick & painless 30 minute procedure – NO downtime
- Natural looking results that last
Emsculpt before and after images showcase the radical physical transformation achievable when your muscles are targeted. As with any body contouring treatment, results may vary. However, the individuals depicted in these Emsculpt before and after pictures are real patients and demonstrate the natural looking results that sculpts your physique when experienced professionals perform this technique-sensitive treatment.
Emsculpt is the first and only body contouring treatment cleared by the FDA to build muscle. Emsculpt is able to target lean muscle body composition by utilizing High Intensity Focused Electro Magnetic (HIFEM) energy. During the procedure, an applicator is positioned on top of the treatment area. Over the duration of 30 minutes, the applicator painlessly passes HIFEM energy through the skin and subcutaneous fat and penetrate underlying muscle tissue.
STIMULATING MUSCLE: When a muscle contracts, tension is placed on the muscles fibers. The body responds to this tension by strengthening existing fibers and producing new tissue.
Emsculpt penetrates muscle tissue with HI-FEM energy. This electromagnetic energy stimulates the muscles fibers with rapidly changing electric currents, causing the fibers to contract harder and longer than possible with voluntary muscle contraction. These super contractions are known as supramaximal contractions and weight lifting or strength training cannot replicate them. In fact, a single 30-minute Emsculpt treatment induces the approximate equivalent of 20,000 squats or 20,000 crunches.
Emsculpt is FDA cleared to tone and build muscle in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hamstrings, obliques, lower back, biceps, triceps and calves. When performed on the stomach, Emsculpt stimulates the abdominal muscles for the slim and sculpted look of washboard abs. When performed on the buttocks, Emsculpt produces a tightening and lifting effect, providing the only non-surgical alternative to a butt lift.
EmSculpt does not hurt at all. You simply lay down and relax during the treatment. You will feel a series of strong muscle contractions. The energy settings can be increased or decreased based on your desired intensity level. Muscle contractions cause the release of endorphins, and most patients become even more comfortable as the treatment goes on, many describing EmSculpt as enjoyable.
Yes, EmSculpt is FDA Approved and is non-ionizing, non-radiating and non-thermal. Some patients may experience workout soreness the next couple of days, but because Emsculpt also breaks down lactic acid, the soreness is minimal.
YES. EmSculpt has been clinically tested & FDA cleared for safety and efficacy through seven peer-reviewed clinical studies.
Emsculpt reviews published in academic journals are raving. More and more scientific studies release impressive findings on the safety and efficacy of this body contouring treatment. According to clinical trial², Emsculpt treatments resulted in, on average:
- 16% increase in muscle mass
- Average waist reduction of 4.4 cm
- 19% reduction in subcutaneous abdominal fat
- 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called diastasis recti)
- 5 x increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment)
- 96% satisfaction with treatment results for abdomen
- 95.4% satisfaction with treatment results for buttocks
- 85% reported significant improvement in lift and muscular tone of the buttocks
Experiences vary with each person, but the majority of patients undergo 4-8 Emsculpt treatments. Each 30 minute treatment should be spaced 2 to 3 days apart each. Many choose to get more sessions because of their great results, opting for even further improvement. Most individuals begin to see their Emsculpt results within 3 to 6 weeks after their first treatment, and continue to see improvements for 6 months following.*
As with any type of muscle gain, periodic maintenance is required to maintain results. Depending on your level of fitness, anywhere from 2 treatments a week to 2 treatments per month is recommended.
Emsculpt creates focused energy of up to 2.2 TESLA, which is the equivalent to the power of an MRI machine in hospitals. Other devices used in rehab centers or home devices that are battery operated produce about 1/1000 the energy of what Emsculpt delivers. It’s not even a close comparison.
Emsculpt cost varies per patient, depending on the several factors, including treatment area, the number of treatments required to achieved the desired aesthetic, and if Emsculpt is used in conjunction with other body contouring treatments, such as CoolSculpting. During your complimentary consultation with the body sculpting experts at Slate, Emsculpt prices will be discussed in detail. If this procedure is right for you, we will help customize a treatment plan tailored to your body, desires, and budget.
When performed on the stomach, Emsculpt helps reduce belly fat⁴ by increasing your metabolism and stimulates the abdominal muscles for the slim and sculpted look of washboard abs. You will see an increase in the volume of your abdominal muscles and a decrease in body fat in the area, resulting in more toned and sculpted abs.
Emsculpt causes the fibers in your muscles to contract harder and longer than physically possible with voluntary muscle contraction. These super contractions are known as supramaximal contractions and weight lifting or strength training cannot replicate them. In fact, a single 30-minute Emsculpt treatment induces the approximate equivalent of 20,000 squats or 20,000 crunches.
When performed on the buttocks, Emsculpt produces a tightening and lifting effect, providing the only non-surgical and SAFE alternative to a butt lift. EmSculpt treatments for the buttocks are customized to disable the fat reducing stimulation sequences for those who don’t want to reduce fat in the area treated. Most often, those seeking to lift and volumize the buttocks want to retain the fat in the area and only build the muscle behind it. You will see an increase in the volume of your gluteous muscles as well as a lifting effect, resulting in fuller, rounder buttocks.
Emsculpt causes the fibers in your muscles to contract harder and longer than physically possible with voluntary muscle contraction. These super contractions are known as supramaximal contractions and weight lifting or strength training cannot replicate them. In fact, a single 30-minute Emsculpt treatment induces the approximate equivalent of 20,000 squats or 20,000 crunches.
Almost anyone can benefit from EmSculpt. The best way to see if this treatment is right for you is by scheduling your free consultation with one of our specialists.
You can be overweight, underweight or in good shape, but should be no more than 30 pounds above your ideal body weight. As a general guideline, you should be moderately active and adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle and relate to one of the following:
- you’re in average shape and you want to tone your stomach and increase core strength, or increase volume and lift on your buttocks
- you workout and are in decent shape but want to get closer to getting that six-pack or perky round butt
- you’re already in great shape and want even more definition in your abs or additional lifting of the buttocks
Transform your physique with the most comprehensive body-contouring treatment on the market. Find out if Emsculpt is right for you by scheduling a complimentary consultation with Slate, the premier provider of Emsculpt in Connecticut. Contact Slate online by filling out the form below or calling (201) 712-0222 today.
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¹ Review of the Mechanisms and Effects of Noninvasive Body Contouring Devices on Cellulite and Subcutaneous Fat. Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
² Data on file
³ High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Technology (HIFEM) for Non-Invasive Buttock Lifting and Toning of Gluteal Muscles: A Multi-Center Efficacy and Safety Study. The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology.
⁴ High intensity focused electromagnetic therapy evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging: Safety and efficacy study of a dual tissue effect based non‐invasive abdominal body shaping. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine.
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