Slate Med Spa: CoolSculpting Experience
COOLSCULPTING | Dominique Bober | |
Hi guys!
I’m officially back with a new website and an exciting blog to start the New Year off!
I had the chance to check out Slate Med Spa in Paramus, NJ this past Monday to begin CoolSculpting treatments on my lower abdomen! I had always heard of the Kardashians with their amazing bodies promoting CoolSculpting. My lower abdomen has always been an area that I struggle with and can never completely get rid of the stubborn fat there. Any chance I had of getting my stomach to look more flat was worth it to me!
CoolSculpting works by using cooling technology to freeze fat cells to death. It targets bulges that are difficult to get rid of even with exercise and a good diet! Most people get CoolSculpting done on belly fat, double chins, love handles, thigh fat, upper arm fat and more. CoolSculpting is not a surgical procedure which means less to stress about and no down time! Sign me up!!!
Although I chose to go with CoolSculpting, Slate Med Spa has a ton of other services such as:
Lip Fillers
Laser Hair Removal
…and so much more! I will definitely be back in the future to try something new after the experience I had this time!
Check out Slate Med Spa to schedule a free CoolSculpting consult and save 25% off CoolSculpting cost!
Here’s how my CoolSculpting experience went!
When I arrived on Monday I filled out some easy, yet important medical information on the iPad provided. The waiver I signed gave me information I needed to know post-CoolSculpting, which was very helpful.
It stated that in order to see optimal CoolSculpting results it was important to maintain or even lose weight in the months following my appointment. A weight gain of 3lbs or more could affect my results. This made me a little nervous to hear, but also made me even more determined to continue living a healthy lifestyle. Basically, I need to workout and eat healthy in order to see my best results with CoolSculpting!
I was taken into a room where I was greeted by the sweetest technician who weighed me and took before pictures (with my consent.) I will go back in 1 month where I will go through the same initial process in order to track my progress through my weigh-in and photos!
My technician had me change into the provided bra and shorts while she left the room. After she came back in, we started off with my left abdomen! The process was 30 minutes on my left side and 30 minutes on my right. The entire time I was able to watch Netflix and I even facetimed with my boyfriend!
This helped to distract me because at the beginning there is definitely a feeling of pulling on your skin that is slightly uncomfortable. After about 10 minutes the pain went away and it didn’t even feel like the machine was on me!
My technician came back in to remove the left side and had to do a minute massage with the fat on my abdomen in order to break it down for maximum results. This was not the most comfortable part of CoolSculpting, but it’s quick and over in 2 minutes!
Before leaving I was instructed to
not drink alcohol for the next day following my cool sculpting treatment.
massage my abdomen morning and night each day for the next two weeks.
drink a lot of water!
The week following CoolSculpting:
After leaving I was already feeling sore like I had just done hours of an intense ab workout. I slept so good that night because I was very exhausted and my body was feeling it.
My abdomen felt slightly numb and solid the first few days after my procedure. By the weekend I was feeling a lot less sore and able to workout like normal. The massage each morning and night was difficult at first because my abdomen was sore, but I know it is all part of the process.
If you’re interested in CoolSculpting or other treatments I highly recommend Slate Med Spa located in Paramus, NJ!
(201) 614-4158
165 E State RT 4
Paramus, New Jersey 07652
I am so excited to see the results that are bound to come!! It has only been a week, but I will be updating this post with my results after my second treatment next month. I can’t wait to see where my CoolSculpting journey with Slate Med Spa takes me!
Stay tuned!
Thank you Slate Med Spa for partnering with me on this blog post. All opinions are my own.
Slate Med Spa
Coolsculpting time…let’s do this!
Thank you Slate Med Spa for the comfortable & fun experience!