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Slate Medspa a premier laser hair removal provider

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Put an end to shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal may be next best thing for you since sliced bread! Laser hair removal is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the world. Treat unwanted hair growth on all body areas including: underarms, legs, arms, bikini area, back, shoulders, upper lip, cheeks, chin, neck, chest and stomach.

Slate Medspa is the premier Laser Hair Removal provider in NJ. We use the most advanced technology to provide a results-oriented hair removal program. New to Slate Medspa? Call us today at 877-588-4646 to schedule a free consultation and save up to 55% OFF laser hair removal.


We use Gentle Max Pro®, the gold standard in dual wavelength laser technology and safe for All Skin Types. Don’t settle for inferior equipment. Ask for Gentle Max Pro® by name. Only Gentle Max uses a patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling burst of cryogen milliseconds before the laser pulse. This ensures that our treatments are as comfortable as they are effective.



Affordable treatment plans that fit your budget.



Say goodbye to irritation and discomfort from waxing and shaving.



We employ only licensed and credentialed medical and skin care professionals, most of whom have had the treatment themselves.



Most treatments average just 30 minutes per visit. Get on and enjoy your day.


How does it work?

A highly concentrated light is beamed into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light, destroying the hair. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. Our technology is effective on nearly all skin types and tones. While most lasers selectively target dark, coarse hairs, our systems are proven to also remove lighter colored hair on ALL skin tones while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.


Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:

● No more razor burn, waxing or tweezing
● No more ingrown hairs
● Smooth and hair free skin all the time
● Precisely target target sensitive, delicate areas with ease
● Speed of treatment means less time to treat hair in unwanted places





What to expect from your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

If you are planning on having a laser hair removal treatment, you should limit plucking, waxing or threading for minimum of 3 weeks before treatment. That’s because the laser targets the hairs’ roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.

Hair grows in many cycles. The follicles underneath the ones you currently see at any given time need to be treated later when they become active. That is why multiple treatments are necessary. For each treatment, small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour. The equipment will be adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of hair being treated as well as your skin color.

Risks associated with laser hair removal are minimal. Our advanced equipment cools the skin surface and constantly measures the skin’s resistance to ensure safety and comfort during treatment. You may experience redness or a mild sunburn like sensation in the area right after treatment. Side effects are rare, but may include purpura (a laser bruise), blistering, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and swelling in the treated area – these usually do not last more than a few days. This is a no-downtime procedure. You can get back into your daily activities immediately after treatment. Hair loss will be evident 3 to 4 weeks after treatment.

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare

Although we use the latest technology which is effective on virtually any type of skin, we recommend that you avoid sun exposure for at least one week before and after treatment to minimize risk of complications. As hair grows in many cycles, multiple sessions are needed.  The majority of clients achieve their desired results after 5 to 6 treatments. Each treatment is spaced from 4-6 weeks apart. As there are different factors to individual results, a personalized consultation is always recommended.

Laser Hair Removal FAQ

Are Laser Hair Removal treatments safe, and are there any side effects?

Laser and light-based treatments have been FDA Approved for many years and has been safely used on millions of treatments wordwide.

How long do Laser Hair Removal treatments take, and how many treatments will I require?

Treatment times vary from as little as 5 minutes to as much as an hour, depending on the size and amount of areas you are being treated for. Hair growth is reduced after each treatment and the number of treatments required will be based on your hair color and type, body area and skin tone. The majority of clients achieve their desired results after 5 to 6 treatments.

What precautions should I take throughout this process?

Avoid sun exposure at least one week before treatment. You should shave, but Do Not bleach, pluck or wax for 4 weeks before and after treatment.

Are Laser Hair Removal treatments painful?

Our Laser Hair Removal treatments use a patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling burst of cryogen milliseconds before the laser pulse. This ensures that our treatments are as comfortable as they are effective. Many people describe laser hair removal to feel like a rubber band snapping against the skin. Compared to waxing and other forms of hair removal, the treatment has very little discomfort. If you do find it uncomfortable, our healthcare professionals can prescribe a numbing cream for your skin.

What are Laser Hair Removal treatments like?

Laser energy is delivered through a small handpiece operated by our practitioner. The laser delivers an intense beam of light, which is absorbed by the skin and converted to heat. The heat is then absorbed by the cells being targeted, while the surrounding tissue remains unaffected. Your skin may be slightly red immediately following the procedure. This typically lasts from a few minutes to several hours after the procedure.

Is Laser Hair Removal Right for me?

The average person spends over $33,000 and 1,500 hours waxing and shaving during a lifetime. Unlike shaving, tweezing, or waxing, Laser Hair Removal is a real solution, not a quick fix. Once the follicle is successfully destroyed the hair doesn’t grow back, so you can experience smooth skin without razor bumps, nicks, ingrown hair or stubble. Our systems can effectively treat all skin types and most hair colors with the exception of grey, light blonde and red hair.

Laser Hair Removal Complimentary Consultation

+Up to 55% OFF Laser Hair Removal

Schedule by phone (877) 588-4646 or online below

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Laser Hair Removal Complimentary Consultation

+Up to 55% OFF Laser Hair Removal

Schedule by phone (877) 588-4646 or online below

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By submitting this form you agree to be contacted via phone/text/email.

At Slate Medspa, we are happy to offer two financing programs for you to choose from.
