My experience with Laser Hair Removal at Slate MedSpa
LASER HAIR REMOVAL | Yully Hernandez | |
These past few months I’ve been going on sessions for laser hair removal treatment at Slate Medspa, the #1 COOL SCULPTING treatment center in New Jersey.
It has been quite the experience and I am so glad I did it at Slate. The staff is amazing, very clean, and super attentive.
I have so far gone to 3 sessions and I have already noticed my hairs growing thinner and lighter. My hair grows very dark and thick so the difference is immense. However, they recommend 6 complete sessions to notice results.
In the videos, you will hear more details on the procedure and my personal experience. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment down below and I’ll answer the best way I can.
Also, if you would like more information, reach out to Slate Medspa via their website or instagram.