LIP FILLERS | Sandy Azcona | | Hi guys! I hope everyone is safe and enjoying the summer as much as possible! A couple of months ago, I posted about my experience at NuImage [...]
LIP FILLERS | Alessa Formentin | | Hey guys! Long time no talk! How are you guys holding up? We are slowly but surely trying to get back into the swing of things after Covid. In [...]
LIP FILLERS | Alessa Formentin | | Hi guys! I hope everyone is slowly transitioning into 2020 and implementing all the great ideas and goals they have for themselves. I know it is [...]
RESTYLANE KYSSE | Lea Prinzivalli | Allure Magazine | It’s designed to create softer, more natural-looking lips. There are many, many reasons to look forward to the days when [...]
LIP INJECTIONS | Brooke Shunatona | COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE | Thinking about getting a fuller set of lips compared to the one your momma gave you? David Colbert, MD, founder and head physician [...]